User Disclaimer

Since it contains important information, we recommend that you read this disclaimer carefully and necessary to consult your legal, financial, tax or other professional consultants.

Regardless of the jurisdiction, no regulatory or administrative authority or government has reviewed or approved Nemesis Network structure or any information specified in this Whitepaper. The publication of the whitepaper may not be regulated in the legislation in force in the relevant jurisdictions, or it may constitute a violation of the current legislation. Due to the different implementation of crypto assets and blockchain technology in jurisdictions and other technological developments, poses a legal high risk and uncertainty as well as its return potential. The initiative and responsibility to evaluate these risks belongs exclusively to you. In addition, any part or copy of this Whitepaper should not be taken or transferred to any country where the sale or distribution of this Whitepaper or use of Nemesis Network is prohibited or restricted.

In particular you are prohibited from using Nemesis Network or staking any crypto assets if you are a citizen or resident of a US, UN or EU sanctioned country, have been included in any trade embargoes or economic sanctions list or included in the denied persons or entity list of any country or the UN. We also reserve the right to choose markets and jurisdictions to conduct business, and may restrict or refuse, in our discretion, the provision of Nemesis Network services in certain countries or regions.

To the widest extent permitted by the current legislation, Nemesis Network, we and our board of directors, stakeholders, employees, contractors, consultants or affiliates do not give any guarantees or commitments regarding the forecasts and projections contained in the Whitepaper, and do not accept any responsibility for the currency and accuracy of the information contained herein or for Whitepaper in general. Based on this, we reserve the right to change the information on the Whitepaper at any time.

This Whitepaper may contain prospective statements regarding our activities and projections that have not yet been realized. Such prospective statements may differ significantly from future results, performance or achievements with regard to Nemesis Network.

In the light of the explanations above, you accept that you are solely responsible for any damages you will suffer due this Whitepaper, Nemesis Network or in connection with them (including but not limited to loss of income or profit, usage or data loss), and you accept that Nemesis Network, we and our board members, stakeholders, employees, contractors, consultants or affiliates have no responsibility regarding these requests and damages.

This Whitepaper is subject to the legislation of Switzerland. All disputes regarding the Whitepaper will be resolved ultimately and exclusively through Arbitration according to the rules of Singapore International Arbitration Centre.

Last updated